Michaels Journey

Born & raised in Sydney, Australia. Now living in Queensland with his beautiful wife Sarah and raising a little family together.

Michael spent his life focused on sport. He played representative Baseball, Rugby League/Union & Golf. Michael was never the typical academic, but learned through sports that nothing is handed to you on a silver platter.

Michael spent his 20’s focused on travelling to 70 countries and climbing the corporate ladder. He worked hard, chased promotions, did what school said he couldn’t and graduated with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and then went on to tackle the business world.

Michael wasn’t always in Sales. In fact, he hated the idea of working in Sales. To him, Sales people were only interested in their own pockets. Which made him avoid sales people at all costs.

Michael’s parents were in Sales, Uncle was famously in Sales, but still, he had no interest in ever working in Sales.

In 2015, Michael was working in a Product Development Manager (PDM) role for a large insurance company in Australia. Being a PDM, he worked really closely with the Sales Team. The National & Regional Sales Managers thought Sales could be a really good fit for Michael.

He knew the products better than anyone. He had a personality. Why not?

After some convincing, he gave it a shot! But, he promised himself he was never, ever, going to be some sleazy salesperson. He was never going to chase sales. He was going to help people make the right decision.

Michael’s approach to sales was well-received by the clients. They didn’t see Michael as some sleazy salesperson and actually wanted to work with him. As a result, Michael was consistently in the Top 3, best Business Development Manager (BDM) in Australia.

In 2020, right before Covid lockdowns, Michael decided it was time to move on from the corporate world. He was working in the 9-5 grind, which was fine while he was single. But with the conversation of marriage & kids on the horizon, Michael started to consider his day-to-day, and thought it wasn’t going to work for him as a father.

He woke up at 6am, gym, get to work by 9am. Work 9-5pm, then travel home, changed, dinner & he’s ready to relax at 8pm.

When is he planning on being a Dad? On the weekend?

Monday to Friday is 70% of a child’s life.

He had a chat with Sarah and they decided, if you’re going to do it, you need to do it now. Because, when kids come around, Sarah won’t be working and you’ll basically be stuck in the corporate world for a lot longer, potentially until the end of your career.

In March 2020, Michael had his last day in Insurance! He got a nice redundancy, he was having two weeks off, then starting a new role in a completely different industry. Couldn’t be happier!



Everything was locked down.

The new company couldn’t take him on.

He was stuck!

After 2-3 months of networking and trying to find something in the Financial Services industry, he was stuck.

He called a friend, who he had known for many years and explained he had Sales experience, and he was ready to start a job ASAP.

The friend pitched him a role called High Ticket Remote Closing. Michael had no idea what it was.

He explained that he had all these leads from webinars, joint ventures, presentations, events, paid ads, etc.

He wanted Michael to jump on a call with each of them, see what they needed help with and ultimately work out which service offer of theirs was a good fit.

Michael had nothing to lose.

There was no training or anything. Michael just had leads, a phone, laptop, and six products to choose from.

The previous BDM was doing $60-80k per month.

They were hoping to get that to about $100k per month.

Michael’s first month he closed $170k. Second month $220k & third month $364k.

Michael went on to close $4mil in business in two years and generate >$550k in commissions.

While working <25 hours a week.

After 18 months, Michael said to Sarah… “I feel bad”.

“There are so many parents out there that are desperately trying to spend more time with their children, but can’t, because they need to work”.

It was at that moment that “Avid Hawks Pty Ltd” was born.

A company that will teach hard-working people how they can spend a lot more time with their kids by transitioning to a more fulfilling and ambitious career.

A career that allows people to have uncapped earning potential.

Be able to earn a living from ANYWHERE.

And eventually do it in less than 25 hours per week (depending on the coach they work for).

Michael has now had numerous success stories of students going through the Avid Hawks program, landing jobs and replacing their original income, from home, working <25 hours per week.

Michael then realised the link between a successful Sales Professional and a business, is the work that is done to match the right skills, experience, communication style and personality to the business. Your Marketing has a voice and a personality. Your business has a brand to protect. You need the right Sales Professional to manage this for you.

Michael built the Synergy in Sales™ to solve this problem for business owners.

Start Your Journey To Success!

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